Captain Conner had his 7th B-day at the beach. He had a great time, and was given some fun gifts. He even went on an official pirate treasure hunt. At the end he found his Pirate Booty. After running around the beach looking for buried treasure he and Dad chilled for awhile before taking Piggy Back down to the beach for her first time.
Vern had fathers day at the beach and was excited when the kids gave him his new phone. He needed a phone that he could get his faxes and forward calls since his awesome secretary Kati will be leaving him for awhile. Even while we are on vacation Vern still needs to work. Now this is the way to work!
The kids had a blast and ended up a little water logged. So we decided to try to dig to China. Sorry Cindy we didn't make it. Since they worked so hard we decided to bury Vern, Zoe, Kelby and Conner in the whole. It was all fun until the crabs started biting.
The kids couldn't help feeding the seagulls they were everywhere!
Our fishing trip was suppose to be the highlight of our trip. Kelby has been waiting since last November for this trip. For his B-day he was giving a fishing trip. Everyone wanted to go and we were very excited about it. But the night before we thought that the camper was going to blow over because of wind. Vern and I couldn't decide if we should go the next morning. We called the charter company and they said everything is smooth come on out. So we did. That was a big mistake! The first hour it was pleasant. Soon the sky was dark and pouring rain. Then the waves came in . To be polite, lets just say the whole boat fought over trash cans for the next 4 hours. Finally we decided that it would be better to jump off the boat and end the misery and the boat stopped to let us fish for awhile.
The final numbers are in and we caught 39 Fish. We caught Red Snapper, Atlantic Spade and Vermilion. Unfortunately we were too sick to get a lot of pictures. After about 8 hours we started feeling well and then it was time to go back in. It all made it worth it when we saw all of the fish lined up and the kids were able to pull down their fish. Conner had a real hard time lifting (or trying to lift his fish).
We had a great time and left to go home Monday night. We got home at 2:00 AM went to bed and the phone rang at 5:00AM. We had left the girls in Galveston for girls camp and they had a bad storm come in. The girls tent was hit by lightning at 4:30AM in the morning and caught the ground on fire. But that is another blog for the girls to share. Needless to say they had a great time after their wind storm that took tents out of the ground, the lightening and the water funnel . We had a great time and they did too. Stay tuned for our road trip details. We leave in 4 days!
First stop Utah for Girls camp and a week at friends' houses for Auvi . A Hospital stay and to see his friends for Kelby. A Sleep over at the Bunkers for Conner. A Retreat and trip to Yellowstone with best friend for Zoe. Retreat and spinning Paradise in Kathy's Meadow and meeting her new nephew for Kati. And peace and quiet for Vern.